Publisher of these websites is the Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz
represented by its Director General
Schillerstrasse 44
Erthaler Hof
55116 Mainz
Phone +49 6131 2016-0
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We cannot accept any responsibility for the content of offers from other providers that can be reached from this website. Please also note the Privacy Policy applicable to this offer.
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Landesbetrieb Daten und Information
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Weexpressly point out the obligation to comply with copyright regulations. It is prohibited to download texts or images (logo, crests, photos, graphic images) from the pages for further use without approval of the Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz.
The press section is an exception. Press releases may be used by the media in their reporting.
Note on sources
Allimages are provided stating a source.